An educational tool to aid understanding of projectile motion
The simulation plots x displacement agaisnt y displacement over time. Interact with the simulation, change settings & explore the calculations below!
Since we have horizontal acceleration as a function with respect to time we know acceleration is not constant and hence SUVAT equations do not hold.
Instead we have a
differential equations with respect to time. We integrate at each timestep and find the constant to get velocity, then again to get displacement. Repeating this multiple times
every second we get enough position points to plot the whole curve.
Note: each new position depends on the old position so there is no way to calculate the final position/time/velocity
without calculating all the points inbetween.
The inital conditions for this projectile are given by:
Horizontal Velocity =
Vertical Velocity =
Then we integrate again to get the displacement,
Horizontal Diplacement =
Vertical Displacement =
Note: as with all projectile motion examples we are making a lot of assumptions: (1) the vertical acceleration is constant and is given by gravity (2) horizontal acceleration is variable and can be given as a polynomial of degree at most 2 with respect to time (3) we are taking the earth as flat (3) each axis is a 'wall' (4) the particle does not bounce